Why Richmond cigarettes are one of the best cigarette brands?

08:33 07.05

Richmond Cigarettes are sold worldwide by two companies Imperial Tobacco and Richmond Tobacco, the products of these two companies are produced for different cigarette markets, on different territory. Imperial Tobacco sells its products on the one part of Europe (which includes the UK) and Richmond Tobacco sells cigarettes Richmond cigarettes on the second part of Europe (including Russia and the CIS countries). Except the territorial difference, Richmond cigarettes differ by their quality, on many parameters cigarettes manufactured by Richmond Tobacco surpass by quality cigarettes manufactured by Imperial Tobacco.

Richmond Tobacco - a biotechnology company with fifteen years of experience, is engaged in the development and industrial production of tobacco products. The company has modern research laboratories and leading specialists, all technologies developed here are used successfully in the modern tobacco industry.

In its labs, Richmond Tobacco company pay special attention to the search for the new varieties of tobacco and cigarettes which will cause minimal damage to the human health. The company's specialists annually visit tobacco auctions around the world, from Brazil and China, to America, for Richmond Tobacco company are grown, collected and dried best tobacco sorts.

The company also is engaged in developing a low-risk products (PREP), which are designed to facilitate a dangerous load on the smoker's lungs. Today in the world are popular several types PREP: American tobacco companies produce genetically modified tobacco, but in Europe, where such developments are prohibited, were invented different cigarette substitutes: nicotine gums, patches and pills.

Richmond Tobacco is strongly opposed to genetically modified tobacco, at least as long as there is no scientific proof of the safety of its use. At the same time, Richmond Tobacco company claims that tobacco substitutes (as gum and patches) can not replace the natural pleasure of smoking reach and quality tobacco. The company's low risk products (PREP) are - Eco-cigarettes: cigarettes which keep the taste of natural tobacco, but cause minimal damage to the human health.

Richmond Cigarettes belong to the premium class cigarettes, they are produced from the high-quality and selective tobacco blend of Burley and Virginia Gold sort, without additives and harmful substances.In Richmond cigarettes are used a unique Platinum Filter, which prevents the spread of harmful substances and tar, significantly reducing their impact on human health.

By the way, Richmond cigarettes already several years are in the top 10 of the best-selling cigarette brands in the UK.

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