In Koktebel handed the bonus of Voloshin
Yesterday in Koktebele handed the bonus of the name of Maximilian Voloshina. Names of laureates and even their amount an organizational committee to the last held in the most strict secret – it was declared only during a ceremony, that in 2009 handed two equivalent bonuses «For a contribution to the culture».
In the evening on September, 10 in Koktebele the solemn closing of literary festival «Voloshinskiy September», culmination of which was become by handing the bonus of the name of Maximilian Voloshina, passed on the villa of «BASSO».
- This year an organizational committee made a decision not to hand the bonus of Voloshina in a literary nomination, because in connection with an economic crisis our patrons of art decreased the size of bonus fund, - sopredsedatel' of organizational Committee and co-ordinator Voloshinskoy told bonus and festival the name of M. A. Voloshina Andrey Korovin. – Initially the bonus fund of 2009 made the three thousand dollars of the USA, that seized only on an annual nomination «For a contribution to the culture». In an organizational committee hot spores developed about that, to whom to award it. And a miracle happened suddenly – the bank of VTB was doubled by a bonus fund. Now we hand two equivalent on the sum of Voloshinskie of bonuses every nominantu.
Director of House of poet Natalia Miroshnichenko announced the decision of organizational committee: this year the laureate of bonus Voloshina is become by the continuer of traditions in a spirit the house of Voloshina, wonderful pianist, one of founders of festival «Chicken god» and hostess of villa of «BASSO» Alla Basargina.
- Ten years passed from the moment of building of house which in this garden conducted mass of creative evenings, throwing open wide open a gate for the judges of wonderful, - N said. Miroshnichenko.
A. Basarginoy handed the diploma of laureate, after the director general of preserve of «Kimmeriya Voloshina» Boris Poletavkin told about that, how chosen the best from candidates, and handed an envelope a laureate.
- The first shock from information passed already, therefore I, listening long appearances, already began to worry, and a money will not be given suddenly, - Alla Basargina cracked a joke, and then added in earnest. – I am a soviet, that I got this reward in a year my 60-years-old anniversary of arrival in House of Voloshina. Its distances not to me to one, but yet and to my spouse to Stanislas Suleymanovu. He already is not present with us, but he is given to drink here in koktebel'skoy earth, connecting our the family with Koktebelem forever.
A. Basargina declared then, that passes to a bonus the festival «Chicken god», the official closing of which will take a place on September, 14.
By the second laureate of bonus Voloshina in a nomination «For a contribution to the culture» the Kievan poet, editor-in-chief of magazine of cultural resistance of «SHO», became Alexander Kabanov. As N explained. Miroshnichenko, A. Kabanov is an ideological inspirer and organizer of the International poetic festival in Kiev on the motherland of Maximilian Voloshina.
- With Alexander by Michael the museum of Voloshina conducts mass of joint projects, and main – we are friends festivals, - Natalia Michael said.
- I am glad that awarded so high reward, - in a return word said And. Wild boars. – I pass to the bonus the museum of Voloshinu.
- That to me with it to do?! – exclaimed director of House of poet.
- To post, - was heard from a hall.
After handing of rewards a small concert took a place with participation Ally Basarginoy, tenor from the USA Dmitry Yogmana and ballet-dancer of the Large theater Ilze Liepa.
В 2008 году премия Волошина вручалась first. The first laureates were become by a simferopol'skiy poet Andrey Polyakov and Vladimir Kupchenko (posthumously).
Video: Absents
Author: Svetlana Kleps
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