In Ukraine fighting dogs have equated to the weapon

12:25 15.07
In Ukraine the bill of the criminal liability of owners of the dogs who have attacked people is approved. Registration of pets is planned and the special permission is required for the maintenance of dogs of fighting breeds.
Last week the parliament has approved changes to the Criminal code and has added with its article about bringing to account of owners of the dogs who have bitten someone. Fighting dogs are equal to the weapon, therefore unfair owners for an attack of their pupils on people will be punished with the penalty at a rate of 8,5 thousand grivnas till ten years of imprisonment. Registration of animals becomes the following stage of an order and reception of the permission to their maintenance. Tthe assistant of the chief of Feodosian militia Anna Ohrimenko told that coming into force of this article of the Criminal code disciplined owners of dogs as severe punishment for infringement of rules of the maintenance of dogs would threaten them. - In our city there are a lot of unfair owners. Townspeople often complain of them, but owners of dogs pay the scanty penalty and again let out the dogs walk without muzzles, - has specified A.Ohrimenko. – Last year militiamen have made nine administrative reports on owners of dogs of fighting breeds, from which five owners were made answerable repeatedly. This year divisionals have made already four reports for infringement of rules. Let's remind, Feodosia physicians notice that townspeople are bitten is more often by house dogs, than vagrant.

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