Voloshin has returned to Koktebel

15:16 30.11
In the end of November Maksimilian Voloshin's two portraits of the brush of Diego Rivera have returned from Spain to the House of the Poet.
Voloshin has returned to Koktebel

Voloshin has returned to Koktebel

The research assistant of Voloshin's house museum has hung up the portrait «Enormous head» by Diego Rivera on the habitual place. On the right on the regiment «Voloshin's portrait sitting in the armchair». Once Maksimilian Voloshin has with own hand placed these pictures on this wall in the workshop of the house in Koktebel.

With a view of popularization of the Koktebel Voloshin's house museum the reserve management «Kimmerija of M. A. Voloshin» has decided to participate in the international art exhibition in Spain «Diego Rivera – the artist-cubist 1903-1926». From June till November two portraits of Voloshin were exhibited at Malagas and Seville, last week they have returned to Koktebel.

The director of the House of the Poet Natalia Miroshnichenko has informed "Kafa" in the exhibition D.Rivera's pictures from the private collections and museum expositions of Mexico, the USA, Japan, Russia, Spain and other countries were presented.

- Participation in the international exhibition of such level is good advertizing to the museum. All expenses on transportation, insurance and protection of pictures organizers have incurred. The Koktebel museum entered into the exhibition catalog in which it is specified that the House of the Poet is unique in the CIS possesses Voloshin's portraits Diego Rivera, - has explained N.Miroshnichenko. – In the course of preparation to the exhibition our museum had new patrons of art. It is "Kunst-trans-Kiev". 

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